Unmatched Humic Performance
Low application rate Humic Acid with more than 1 million acres applied on farms like yours.
Product Benefits
Creates large nutrient-holding capacities in rhizophore
Stabilizes 28% UAN
Utilizes soil nutrients
Improved nutrient uptake in plants
Accelerates yield potential
Improved drought tolerance of treated crop
Proven return on investment
About Humika
Humika™ is truly a uniquely manufactured humic acid. Few if any humic products in the marketplace today can boast of the flexibility and solubility of Humika™. To add to these great features Humika™ is also a L.A.R (Low Application Rate) Humic acid. What this simply means is more acres per tank and more acres per day. With an impressive C.E.C of 306, Humika is going to hold nutrients in place until the crop needs them, pending on the nutritional load requirement. Humika can hold most nutrients from leaching for more than sixty days. Any humic material in Humika that is not used to hold nutrients is readily used by the crop to grow, quickly converting the carbons to sugars. And if all these benefits weren’t enough, Humika also encourages the growth of beneficial fungi and microbes, which provides optimal growing conditions for a high-yield crop.
Demo: 28% U.A.N Stabilized with Humika
Crop Application
500 ml per 40 gallon 28% UAN
500 ml per 5 gallons in furrow phos based starters
Approximate Cost: $6 per acre
Application Strategies

Planter Placement

Broadcast or banded
over seed zone

Topdress or sidedress