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About Gro-Max XL
Gro-Max XL is a high quality humic / silica dioxide granule. Made with Humika, North America's trusted humic acid. Ready to be applied through your planter, air seeder or blended with your dry fertilizer. Gro-Max XL is a hydrophilic product, Humika is released in minutes when in contact with moisture.
Product Benefits
Creates large nutrient holding capacities in rhizophore
Improved nutrient uptake in plants
Improved drought tolerance of treated crop
Proven return on investment
Improves nutrient solubility during early growing season
Crop Application
Minimum Application Rate: 3 kg (7 lbs) per acre
Mixing Rate with Dry Fertilizer: 7 lb per 40 lb fertilizer
Application Strategies

Planter Placement

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